Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Faces For Wearing

Here is a "3D" rendering of my face:

Have you ever wondered what I would look like if I were in Asian 3D?? Me neither. But just so you never have to worry about it, here's what I would look like if I were Asian:

It's all thanks to a site called "That's My Face" which allows you to create a 3D image from photographs of your face, then create masks and other novelty items. It somehow has the ability to render your face a different gender or race or age, which you can see more examples of below. I was hoping to make a mask of my own face and go as myself on halloween, but it costs $300 so I'll have to start saving for next halloween.


Me as a woman:

Me, with extra testosterone:

Black me:

Me in 20 years:

Me in 40 years:


Tiffany said...

Please don't ever start taking testosterone.

However, you are allowed to become black if you like.

Thrill said...

this is the funniest thing i've ever seen...